Be careful to use it, Miracle Fruit is randomly change your digimon's size. Whether it increase or decrease your digimon's size, all depends on your luck.
Note : Miracle Fruit cannot be used to your partner digimon.
More about size differences' effects to your digimon :
okay, how to use. I tried but it say cannot use at your partner digimon?
yeah, miracle fruit cannot be used at partner digimon. I will add this information. Sorry for the late answer.
what is the difference between the red and green one?
The green one can be traded, the red cannot..
sorry for late reply
What's the smallest size possible?
70% is the smallest size
what is the maximum percent increase?
Are the effects permanent if I got it through event?
yeah, the effect of both miracle fruit and goddess fruit is permanent. the only difference between event or not is you can't trade fruit from event.
are 5/5 use MF can decrease to 4/5 size?
yup, every chance is possible..
where i can change digicore with evolutor?
do u mean u change evo for 50 digicores? I think it is impossible.. u can only trade 50 digicores to 1 evo, no otherwise.
Can You Tell me please , What this miracle fruit work to my exv-mon 85% to 100% ?? help me
What if i use miracle fruit on my 3/5 digimon and the size change similar to 4/5. are my stat is equal to 4/5???
yeah, miracle fruit will work to your digimon. it is all the matters of luck whether your digimon's size will increase or decrease
and 1 more question again please , what egg 5/5 not require evoluter or mode selector again !!
nope, 5/5 only means you can get digimon with size more than 120%. evolutors are still required to unlock evolution stage and mode selectors too are required to unlock riding mode.
hmm , i see !! so , the difference egg 2/5 3/5 4/5 and 5/5 just the size ??
thanks for your information !!
how about the attack strength or deffence !! different or same too !! 5/5 or 3/5 etc.
it is different, check this :
nice Info , Thanks for your information !! ^_^
Why other PARTNER digimon are larger than my partner digimon
isnt it that partner digimon have same size gaomon nd gaomon
can miracle fruit change digimon's status???
miracle fruit can change your digimon's size. if it is increased, your status will be increased as well, and vice versa.
partner digimon always has 100% size
Hey, can this fruit expand the normal size limitations of a 3/5 digimon, aka 100%? If so does this mean I can push my 3/5 Hagurumon to 4/5 sizes and beyond, if Im lucky enough ^^
some say yes and some say not. based on my experience, I failed many times with 4/5 agumon. The maximum size I got is 120% and no more. So I would say that you can not exceed the limitation, however there is a video on youtube showing 4/5 gabumon size growth into 5/5 size, which is more than 120%.
meu digimon e 3/5 ta com 92% tem como passar para 4/5
yes its true.. my Dracomon was a 4/5 and i used Goddess fruit(event) 2 times and woah. it changed from 4/5 to 5/5 at 122%... realy neat!!!!
What is the limit a 3/5 digimon can get to
are Miracle fruit from 30 core is permanent effect ?
how to give the goddess fruit to non partner digimon?
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